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Mystique Orchid

60 Minute Tarot Reading

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Merry meet! 💜

If you’re reading this, I’d like to acknowledge and praise you for taking a brave step towards seeking some clarity to your life journey. You’re a truth seeker and understand that there’s unseen forces bigger than us that’s helping us shape our life in this incarnation. But of course, it starts with you! You make your own destiny and with the help of your spirit guides and their guidance, you co-create with Source / the Divine Universe to live a more harmonious life.  

So you want to know if your energetic frequency is on aligned with the energetic frequency of the Divine Universe? I’m here to help channel messages and welcome guidance from my spirit team as well as yours to shed some light over these energies to confirm what needs focusing on and what needs a bit of tweaking to ensure you’re aligned with your highest self that is automatically aligned with the energy of the the universe. I’ll tell it how I see it from the cards and what’s heard from my spirit team. My delivery is honest, to the point, and sometimes blunt but I assure you, they come from a space of unconditional love for I walk amongst spiritual energies that hold nothing but safe and unconditional love. My goal is to bring you healing love from Source energy as you seek the clarity you need. In other words, my purpose as a light worker is to assist you with the ascension process to achieve oneness with your higher self.  

What sets me apart from other Intuitives?

People often ask me how I gather the information I deliver to my clients during my psychic readings. I utilise the four main avenues to my intuition to decipher and communicate messages from Spirit, known in psychic circles as the "four clairs": clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (a knowing). 

How do the readings work?

I provide intuitive readings based on the energy in focus that surrounds you at the time of the reading. Once I’ve communicated all that needs covering in the card reading, I’ll be asking you if there’s anything in particular that I may not have covered that you’d like me to clarify. This process will allow me to hone in on your energy or query for the purpose of the reading before you could even ask. I may just cover everything you’re needing clarity on that you may not even need to ask by the time we’re done!

I use a variety of oracle cards and tarot cards from my large collection of decks I have accumulated through the years. The decks I choose for your reading are all intuitively selected with the help of spirit prior to our appointment.  

I abide by a code of ethics, you can view that and read further terms of service here.

60 Minute Tarot Reading60 Minute Tarot Reading60 Minute Tarot Reading60 Minute Tarot Reading